
DSA Condemns Anatel Brazil's Reversal on Unlicensed Access to the Upper 6 GHz Band, Citing Impact on Connectivity and Innovation
The Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA) strongly objects to Anatel Brazil's recent reversal of the 2021 decision that allowed unlicensed access to the 6 GHz (5925 - 7125 MHz) band. Anatel's decision favors a few large mobile providers over the connectivity needs of millions of Brazilians supported by over 20,000 wireless internet service providers. It raises questions about the future of millions of Wi-Fi devices already in use by schools, hospitals, and government agencies, and undermines the potential economic growth and technological innovation that was the basis for the 2021 decision. The DSA is committed to policies that ensure efficient spectrum use. We urge Anatel to reconsider its decision given its potential harm to Brazil's digital future and economic development.
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NextNav Petition for Rulemaking, Enabling Next-Generation Terrestrial Positioning, Navigation, and Timing and 5G: A Plan for the Lower 900 MHz Band (902-928 MHz), Public Notice (WT Docket No. 24-240)
The DSA and other organizations, representing a broad cross-section of industry that utilizes the Lower 900 MHz band, oppose the NextNav Petition due to the likelihood of it causing significant and adverse disruption to the hundreds of millions of Part 15 devices currently using the band.
Read moreConnectivity stakeholders call for recognition of Wi-Fi in the new EU mandate
The new institutional cycle in which the EU is embarking will play a key role in achieving the bloc’s objectives in terms of connectivity. 2030, the deadline to reach the EU’s digital decade targets, is around the corner. T
Read moreIndustry joint position paper on the new European Radio Spectrum Policy Programme
Industry joint position paper on the new European Radio Spectrum Policy Programme: A call on Europe to promote spectrum policies in support of the next Wi-Fi revolution
Read moreDSA Statement on White House National Spectrum Strategy
The DSA is pleased to see that the National Spectrum Strategy, prepared by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and published today, will expand access to advanced wireless broadband networks and drive technological innovation, specifically with regard to innovative spectrum sharing technologies.
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