In this article, we would like to cover the situation that we – among millions – are facing, as well as some of the most frequently asked questions...
A destinação da faixa de 6 GHz (5,925-7,125 GHz) para o WiFi 6E já foi aprovada pela Anatel, mas ainda é necessário definir as condições de uso…
Iniciativas com propostas de inovações regulatórias estão chegando à Anatel por necessidade do próprio mercado...
Computer companies and cable operators (collectively the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance, DSA), which backed the FCC’s decision to free up the lower...
En entrevista con DPL News, Martha Suárez, presidenta de DSA, dijo que Wi-Fi 6 complementará las posibilidades de aplicación...
According to Ofcom UK, the growing use of Wi-Fi is causing heightened expectations from consumers as to the capacity of their broadband as they...